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Escape from pain

Writer's picture: deepticanfora24deepticanfora24

Emotional pain hurts as much as physical pain

Brings healing to emotional pain by meditating with Deepti

Whether it is when we scald ourselves with boiling water while draining spaghetti or when we are socially rejected or romantically dumped, the same areas of the brain are activated.

But if the automatic reaction to remove our hand from boiling water is an aid to our survival, running away from emotional pain is not.

By running away from emotions we think we have our lives under control, but in fact it is what we run away from that holds the reins of our existence.

In my experience and in my opinion your experience as well, we know that at the first opportunity they will erupt.

the emotions at the first opportunity they will erupt.

More often than we think, it will be our emotional chaos that gets the better of rationality and repression, and those emotions we have tried to fight and silence will express themselves badly and often destructively.

We cannot continue to repress and deny our emotions because sooner or later they will surface, they will explode.

The past always comes back to haunt us;

old 'emotional wounds' can accompany us throughout our lives and have long-term effects that show up years later as discomfort, anxiety and stress, determining our choices.

Should we then live in a cocoon without ever exposing ourselves to possible pain, or is the true Art of Living to look our wounds in the face?

Socrates said, "Know thyself."

a change, a growth invariably comes through this knowledge, but we fear this process because we believe it brings suffering.

In fact, the process itself is not suffering;

Suffering arises from the conflict between a part of you that wants to know itself and another that resists because it fears what it may encounter.

And so we prefer to remain clinging to our unwelcome tran trance, our automatic behaviors, our escapes from what we think is boiling water, but is really just our periphery of thoughts and emotions churning.

Our brains have an elephant's memory regarding negative emotions, unpleasant events that have happened in our lives, but we remember much less the positive emotions, the positive events that have been part of our lives

The brain is wired to remember negative interactions more than positive ones.

However well our day is going is enough:

a small comment,

a criticism,

an unfulfilled promise,

an unfulfilled expectation

to trigger unwelcome reactions and emotions that bring us, even if we are not aware of it, back in touch with old wounds.

And once again we suffer.

Recent studies claim that the higher areas of the brain can change the function of the lower areas, and this means that there is a pathway that can lead us to relieve ourselves of the burden of the past.

meditation, which creates inner space that allows us to welcome those emotions.

my experience, this can happen through:

  • the body, which can bring us in touch with what is invisible to our eyes, but which causes us pain, shaping those ghosts that haunt our lives

  • meditation, which creates inner space that allows us to welcome those emotions.

Through the meditative state, the function of the lower areas of the brain will have less resonance and it will be possible to use our intentions more intensely and precisely, being able to move beyond our negative experiences.

It is possible to dissolve the traumas that continue to plague us so it is up to us to determine how much we allow negative experiences to plague us.

In other words, there is the possibility of grow,

  • look into the eyes of those wounds that continue to direct your life,

  • have the inner space to welcome them

  • return to being your own master

Do you want to begin your journey?

What I can offer you is to experience the Metaphysical Dance my Active Meditations.

Both use the body to shape emotions, lead you to your spiritual heart to create space and acceptance, and in the moment of meditative silence light the way for you to rediscover and return to your center, master of yourself.

What do you say?

I await you

with love


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