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Freedom and Courage

Writer's picture: deepticanfora24deepticanfora24

Life is a mystery and is unpredictable. None of us knows what will happen to us the next moment.

But we delude ourselves that there are certainties, we cling to everything we know, we stay floating in a pond because it gives us a sense of security.

We talk about wanting freedom. But what is freedom?

We talk about it, but underneath, we fear it because to our minds, freedom is something insecure.

Freedom is being in the present and walking through uncertainties.

But we choose to live clinging to all that is KNOWN, clinging to KNOWING, to KNOWING, so we have the impression that we are safe.

The nature of life is uncertainty and we can live it moment by moment.

To live in uncertainty we need courage;

Living through the mind is not courageous;

Living through the mind leads us to be continually afraid and stuck, and we delude ourselves that we can create safety around us, that we can find the solution so that we no longer feel fear and uncertainty.

We hide behind our knowledge.

We are afraid, and we close doors and windows using concepts, words, theories...and hide behind them.

The way of the heart is the way of courage: it means to live in insecurity, in love, in trust by going into the unknown.

And to let ourselves go into the unknown, into the unknown, we need courage.

And having courage does not mean not being afraid.

Having courage means going into the unknown, despite our own fears.

It means moving from the head to the heart and from the heart to the hara.

If we do not have courage, we cannot love or trust or center ourselves in the hara.

To get to our center, to our navel, to our life source, to our hara we need courage

The difference between someone who has no courage and a courageous being is not in having or not having fear.

The former indulges his fears and gets stuck, the latter knows his fears, embraces them, and then moves forward in spite of his fears.

To enter the unknown takes courage

The courageous person enters the unknown despite his fears. He/she knows the fears that are present in him/her, welcomes them and moves forward.

The person who is not courageous listens to his own fears and goes along with them by blocking himself.

Life is an adventure, and if you participate in this adventure you will feel vital. Fears are there but by welcoming, by saying YES to what life brings us little by little they will disappear.

Entering the unknown brings vitality to every fiber of your body and being.

Dire Sì a quello che la vita ci propone

Having courage basically means risking the known in favor of the unknown, Risking what is familiar in favor of what is unknown.

We will fall many times, but we can pick ourselves up, and this will strengthen us and bring us integrity.

Sometimes we will make mistakes, but being afraid to make mistakes causes us to miss the chance to grow,

the important thing is not to make the same mistakes,

but making mistakes is part of our freedom, part of our dignity.

Let's not stop at the idea of right and wrong.

There is no right and wrong.

Life is a mystery

Right is everything that is in tune with existence AND wrong is everything that is not in tune with existence.

But the mind wants to follow rules because these give us a feeling of security, a false idea of security.

The mind's priority is to protect you from the unknown, and it packages rules and pre-packaged answers, thinking it saves us from life.

Life always catches us off guard; it is always a surprise.

If we have eyes to see, we can see that each moment is a surprise and that no prefabricated answer is ever applicable.

Being courageous means Living through the heart,

Consciously listening to our heart And going wherever the heart takes us.

Mindfulness comes from freedom

Living mindfully, beyond expectation leads you to achieve the ability to understand that our life is free only when we stop clinging to what are our knowledge, our securities, which are only illusory.

Freedom is living beyond the mind, it is being present to life as it presents itself, being like a child who is surprised moment by moment by what comes from life.

Only then will we discover the meaning of life.

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